18:11:55 From TACDA Roseanne Hassett : FYI - Bryan posted a few links for us at the top of the chat! 18:43:08 From TACDA Roseanne Hassett : Can you all see this message? You are welcome to use the chat for questions or comments. 18:45:33 From Gary Paulis : QUESTION; What about rain gutter water, can it be safely treated for drinking? 18:46:53 From TACDA Roseanne Hassett : Good question! Sounds like we can drink it as long as it is treated. 18:49:33 From hood : Can softened water be used in storage? We have a high iron content and have to soften and filter our well water. WE also have it tested yearly and always get good reports. 18:51:31 From Debra Livingston : Reacted to "Can softened water b..." with 👍🏻 18:52:01 From TACDA Roseanne Hassett : Great question for Bryan at the end! I can ask him unless you'd like to- 18:52:44 From hood : Replying to "Great question for B..." feel free. I do not have a mic/camera on my pc. 18:52:55 From TACDA Roseanne Hassett : Replying to "Great question for B..." Okay no problem 18:53:23 From Phil Smith KC3FGE CERT : I would use water from the gutter for watering your garden and some cleaning for items not used for drinking or cooking. It is black water does what may drop on a roof. Could it be treated and purified, yes. 18:55:52 From Darlene : Homemade filters: If they do make the homemade versions. Be sure to use activated charcoal! It can not be just plain ole kingsford charcoal. Correct me if Im wrong 18:57:36 From Darlene : Bleach breaks down after 6 months 19:01:05 From Paul Oliver : What is shelf life of chlorine dioxide 19:02:51 From Finnesa Derby : Thank you! 19:02:57 From V. Horvát : Wonderful Bryan. Thank you. 19:02:59 From Angelo : Well done! 19:03:00 From Phil Smith KC3FGE CERT : Great presentation! Thank you. 19:03:05 From james : Nice pressentaation, thanks. 19:03:06 From Debra Livingston : Thank you - this was great. 19:03:51 From Mark Leeper : Very nice overview 19:05:13 From John Drouault : what are your thoughts on reverse osmosis whole house systems and counter top units? 19:06:23 From Mark Leeper : Desalinate soft water 19:06:26 From mpoling to TACDA Roseanne Hassett(Direct Message) : For which standards should water filters be certified? 19:07:30 From linda milne to TACDA Roseanne Hassett(Direct Message) : How do you clean a used water storage tsnk 19:07:40 From Gary Paulis : Very useful information, thank you. 19:09:36 From mpoling : For which standards should water filters be certified? 19:09:37 From Darlene : I bought a berkey. What filter would you recommend now that they pulled it off the market 19:11:27 From mpoling : NSF standards 19:12:38 From mpoling : Like NSF P248 19:13:09 From John Drouault : FDA pulled it 19:13:31 From John Drouault : or EPA, sorry 19:13:32 From linda milne to TACDA Roseanne Hassett(Direct Message) : Thank you Brian for such a helpful presentation 19:13:39 From Phil Smith KC3FGE CERT : Sawyer no longer sells the sub micron filters! I do no know of other companies that offer the sub microb 19:13:43 From Darlene : It was EPA 19:13:44 From Phil Smith KC3FGE CERT : Micron 19:14:35 From Andrea : Is this recorded and available later? 19:15:19 From TACDA Roseanne Hassett to mpoling(Direct Message) : Yes we will have a link to the recording on our website 19:15:49 From TACDA Roseanne Hassett to mpoling(Direct Message) : https://tacda.org/resources/#meeting 19:16:31 From Phil Smith KC3FGE CERT : Sawyer formally sold 0.004 micron and 0.02 micron filters. But no more 19:16:34 From TACDA Roseanne Hassett to mpoling(Direct Message) : These are excellent water storage containers- we sell on our website https://tacda.org/product/standard-waterbrick-blue-2-pack-3-5-gallon/ 19:17:30 From ross raney : ONLINE; We at New Millennium Concepts, Ltd. assure you that the Berkey® brand is alive and well and is still the trusted leader in gravity fed water filtration systems and products. To be clear: New Millennium is not closing its doors and is actively engaged in fighting the EPA’s overreach and its attempt to control and prevent the public from purifying their drinking water. 19:17:54 From John Drouault : Reacted to "ONLINE; We at New M..." with 👍 19:18:01 From John Drouault : Reacted to "It was EPA" with 👍 19:18:09 From Debra Livingston : Reacted to "ONLINE; We at New M..." with 👍🏻 19:18:16 From Darlene : Reacted to "ONLINE; We at New M…" with 👍 19:18:55 From Lise : Thank you. 19:19:04 From Mark Leeper : Thanks! 19:19:19 From Zabeth Gallagher : Great presentation! 19:19:20 From John Drouault : Thank you for the info! 19:19:38 From Finnesa Derby : Thank you so much!!! 19:19:55 From mpoling to TACDA Roseanne Hassett(Direct Message) : The links do not show 19:19:57 From Zabeth Gallagher : Thanks!