18:02:52 From Bryan - Div of Em Mgmt, Be Ready Utah : Emergency Communication brochure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vDy38Pi3Tx-3MpVMG4xX5uENh-KWNjrU/view 18:03:10 From Bryan - Div of Em Mgmt, Be Ready Utah : https://utah.us16.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=2d0d79ccaf23a2b1b9d1de6b5&id=2c97e5bb56 18:06:28 From Luby & Ruth on Tenino : Solar flare. 18:08:01 From Ronald Levine : I suspect my Baofeng handhelds have a poor connection to the antenna because when I loosen it some and lean the antenna against something, I get better reception. This might be the center wire making loose contact to the mating connector. 18:10:26 From Heath : @Ronald Levine try removing antenna, remove volume knob and use to tighten the castle nut holding SMA connector in place. sometimes they come loose. 18:12:12 From K7AK : Any radio with "rubber duck" antennas have marginal coverage. It might inductively couple to something to work better. 18:12:16 From Steve N0JJO Pineville, NC : I have multiple TV antennas for local TV stations. I recently found that one of our main TV's does not have an antenna connection on it. That TV is Smart only, via internet or streaming device. Many people do not have antennas available and depend on internet for news. 18:18:02 From Steve N0JJO Pineville, NC : The national weather service uses SAME: Specific Area Message Encoding to only pick up information for specific counties 18:31:03 From Roman : it’s playing 18:31:03 From Lise : It was working for me. 18:31:09 From Rick Kephart : I can see and hear the video 18:31:38 From James Turner : Video playing ok, voice out of synch slightly 18:36:03 From Ronald Levine : Regarding bicycling, I'm a racer.  My race time is 4 hours for a 100 mile race.  Excellent preparedness transportation option! 18:36:25 From KatieLou Bryan : Reacted to "Regarding bicycling,..." with ❤️ 18:38:15 From Ronald Levine : Boy Scout, too! 18:39:46 From Rick Kephart : I never raced my bike but I did ride across the US Pacific Ocean to Atlantic Ocean 30 days 18:41:04 From TACDA Roseanne : Are there any certified Ham radio operators here tonight? 18:42:52 From Ronald Levine : Replying to "I never raced my bik..." Excellent, Rick! Physical fitness is a great preparedness advantage! 18:43:02 From K7AK : Art K7AK helped write Tacda manual maybe 10+ years ago 18:43:12 From Lance Barley : Replying to "Are there any certif..." I am...KD4FW 18:44:15 From Rick Kephart : Replying to "I never raced my bik..." I always loved cycling. I road my bike to work for a good portion of my career until they issued me a car so I could be on call 24/7 18:44:32 From TACDA Roseanne : Replying to "Art K7AK helped writ..." Fantastic! Can you please send me an email so I can make sure I have your contact info? info@tacda.org 18:44:37 From KatieLou Bryan : Not too long ago a fellow harmed a highway patrol, ...the next I knew someone in my warm Primary tried to contact me to stay home. I didn't know the local Church had such a program in place. Church leaders could warn the members their info will be used for such warnings. 18:45:32 From KatieLou Bryan : Thanks Bryan, this was a highlight of my day!! 18:45:54 From Ronald Levine : Not a radio amateur, but I am an electronic designer with radio design and use experience and I powered field day with human power and designed and deployed antennas. 18:45:57 From Bob, W6RHK-Orange SM : Replying to "Are there any certif..." W6RHK, Orange Section Manager, Southern CA 18:46:07 From Steve N0JJO Pineville, NC : I am a ham operator 18:46:17 From Lee Engle : KJ5HEF Ham and WSED742 GMRS 18:46:51 From TACDA Roseanne : Reacted to "Not a radio amateur,..." with 👍 18:46:56 From Karyn : Replying to "Are there any certif…" KQ4JBR, Florida 18:47:23 From Jim : Will slides be available, & if so, where ? 18:47:29 From Bob Smith - N0OM : Replying to "Are there any certif..." N0OM Denver 18:47:34 From UtahValley Permaculture : Question if you can't leave your location, have to bug in, have back solar with battery back up to charge your Ham radio but you don't know who to communicate with in an emergency. What is a good plan? 18:47:58 From Heath : Replying to "Are there any certif..." Yes 18:48:46 From TACDA Roseanne : How wonderful that we have so many Ham radio operators here! Please send me an email at info@tacda.org. I'd love to try to get a Ham radio group going or in the least a resource for TACDA. 18:49:16 From Steve N0JJO Pineville, NC : Steve McAtee 18:49:27 From Bob, W6RHK-Orange SM : Replying to "How wonderful that w..." Bob Turner, w6rhk@arrl.org 18:49:36 From Steve N0JJO Pineville, NC : NØJJO SteveM88@icloud.com 18:51:03 From Barry Sykes : My radio call sign KD2ENC 18:53:22 From Lance Barley : Replying to "Are there any certif..." The church has radio nets based out of a lot of the bishop's storehouses, along with the areas and one from church hq...IE in my area the net from the WDC storehouse is Sunday night...the NANE area net is Saturday morning and the church HQ net is Tuesday night 18:53:48 From Bob, W6RHK-Orange SM to TACDA Roseanne(direct message) : Roseanne, what is your email? 18:54:02 From Ronald Levine : Reacted to Not a radio amateur,... with "👍" 18:54:03 From Ronald Levine : Removed a 👍 reaction from "Not a radio amateur,..." 18:54:17 From Lise : Thank you. Great information. 18:55:19 From Heath to TACDA Roseanne(direct message) : heater_up_c@yahoo.com K7HTR Sharing Callsigns publicly can be a OPSEC leak. You don't know who is watching. With callsign, on FCC ULS home address can be found. 18:56:23 From Steve N0JJO Pineville, NC : For ham or GMRS handi talkie, take a look at Tidradio H3, very full featured at a low price and better than a Baofeng. They have several other models unless a person wants DMR, DStar or other digital mode 18:57:25 From Steve N0JJO Pineville, NC : They also pick up FM broadcast and aircraft 18:57:35 From Lee Engle : $35 for 10 years 18:57:44 From TACDA Roseanne to Bob, W6RHK-Orange SM(direct message) : Replying to "Roseanne, what is yo..." info@tacda.org 18:58:53 From UtahValley Permaculture : Where may I get a good ham radio teacher in Utah County, Utah? 18:59:26 From De Ann Moore on Utah : Replying to "Are there any certif..." How to I get on the HQ net radio testing? 18:59:33 From Steve N0JJO Pineville, NC : Look at https://mygmrs.com/ 19:00:01 From K7AK : BYU offers a one day class a couple of times a year. Many ham radio clubs offer classes 19:00:15 From Lee Engle : Replying to "Are there any certif..." KJ5HEF 19:01:04 From Lance Barley : Replying to "Are there any certif..." It's a ham radio net hosted by a station from Utah...on 7.270mhz 19:01:15 From Lance Barley : Replying to "Are there any certif..." Plus or minus 19:01:38 From De Ann Moore on Utah : Reacted to "It's a ham radio net..." with 👍 19:01:45 From Barry Sykes : One of the simples radio that available is WOUXUN KG805-G. It can be compatible to with other various GMRS. 19:01:58 From Lance Barley : Replying to "Are there any certif..." On Tuesday evenings 19:02:33 From deanb : UT 19:02:34 From Barry Sykes : NYS 19:02:35 From Steve : Replying to "[Full message cannot be displayed on this version]" Ny 19:02:35 From Lance Barley : Replying to "Are there any certif..." Virginia 19:02:35 From VH : Wisconsin 19:02:38 From Bob, W6RHK-Orange SM to TACDA Roseanne(direct message) : Southern CA 19:02:38 From Heath : AZ 19:02:39 From Lee Engle : Texas 19:02:41 From Greg : PA 19:02:42 From Juliet H-A : NC 19:02:42 From ross raney : Replying to "Are there any certif..." Colorado 19:02:43 From James Turner : Jim, Jacksonville, FL 19:02:44 From Rick Kephart : Virginia Beach, VA 19:02:46 From Matt E : Canada 19:02:47 From Marilyn Hamblin : UT 19:02:47 From Ronald Levine : Sandy, Utah 84070-2633 19:02:48 From De Ann Moore on Utah : Utah 19:02:49 From David Hohertz - KE0LHQ : Replying to "Are there any certif..." Minnesota! 19:02:49 From Opal’s iPhone : Ky 19:02:50 From Rachelle’ : AL 19:02:51 From Roman : Boca Raton, FL 19:02:54 From Steve N0JJO Pineville, NC : North Carolina 19:03:00 From Steve N0JJO Pineville, NC : Ham repeaters listed at https://www.repeaterbook.com/index.php/en/ 19:03:00 From Tony KD6WYH : Replying to "Are there any certif..." California, Sonomoa County 19:03:00 From cathy : CA 19:03:02 From Patrick Bowman : Western New York 19:03:18 From Gary Parker : Columbus MI 19:03:18 From Juliet H-A : Thanks for the valuable information! 19:03:27 From Opal’s iPhone : Thank you! 19:03:29 From Tina : NM 19:03:34 From James Turner : Thanks for the presentation. Good info. 19:03:51 From TACDA : west virginia 19:03:56 From Steve N0JJO Pineville, NC : thank you 19:04:00 From Heath : Thank you!