Celebrating 60+Years of Service! Est. 1962

We're All About Your Survival
The mission of The American Civil Defense association (TACDA) is to provide education, products, and resources that empower American citizens to protect themselves, their families, and their communities in emergencies and disasters of all kinds, including nuclear, biological, chemical, and natural disasters. We believe a comprehensive understanding of preparedness strategies is essential to survival and peace of mind.
Our Teaching Methods
The Journal of Civil Defense
The Journal of Civil Defense began publication in the early 1960’s when TACDA was organized. Back then the Journal was called “Survive”. For almost 60 years TACDA has been publishing articles on a wide variety of civil defense topics, boasting the greatest selection of survival information and tactics under one organization. Articles are carefully selected and are written by scholars, military professionals, emergency personnel, and experts on civil defense.
The Journal of Civil Defense topics include:
- Current national security threats
- Practical survival techniques
- Home and personal defense strategies
- Nuclear weapons effects
- Protection of material assets and survival of natural disasters
- Food storage and preservation
- Underground sheltering
- Gun safety
- Mass shooting situations including prevention, analysis, and take down
- Homeopathic medicine
- Home safety equipment
- Evacuation in emergencies
- 72 hour kits
- And many more…
Journals are mailed twice a year (in April and October) and include an invitation link to our monthly civil defense meetings via Zoom!

TACDA is pleased to be able to offer live monthly civil defense webinars for our Journal Subscribers!
It is now possible for you to meet with us on a regular basis no matter where you live.
With your Journal subscription you will receive monthly emails with a private Zoom link to learn from the experts face to face!
The meeting schedule and previously recorded meetings are available to view on the TACDA Resources Page.

TACDA Academy
The TACDA Academy provides free essential detailed education for everyone.
In the TACDA Academy, you can access a growing series of online courses. These courses contain materials and information that have been collected over decades of research. They can help empower you, your family and your community with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to be prepared for all types of natural and manmade disasters and emergencies.
The TACDA Blog offers hundreds of searchable articles on emergency preparedness and will help you prepare for the next big disaster!
Recent Blog Posts-
- A Design Concept for a Fallout Shelter, Plus Small Ventilation System
- Former Nuclear Fallout Shelters a Grim Reminder of Cold War Brinkmanship (TACDA is quoted in the Epoch Times. Fallout shelters for American citizens are no more. Why?)
- Power Outages and The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Doctors For Disaster Preparedness
- Using Emergency Management During Civil Unrest
- How To Prepare for ANY Disaster
- Growing Your Own Food From Seed
- Hydration Awareness: 10 Ways to Be ‘Water Wise’ (Even While Sheltering in Place)

The time is NOW
“Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important than
preparedness through civil defense. It means the survival of our country and its people. It’s that simple.
The time is now. The place is Main Street, USA. The
objective is peace through preparedness.”
Walter Murphey
Managing Editor, Journal of Civil Defense
Together We Are Stronger!
Contact your elected officials! Tell them your emphatic desire to have an official Civil Defense Program for our citizens, no matter the cost.
Our United States government currently
• Has NO Department of Civil Defense
• Does NOT educate our children about the effects of nuclear weapons
• Has NO fallout shelters for the general public
• Has NO directives on how to build hardened fallout shelters
• Has NO information for post-war survival
• Has NO government directed warning systems, sirens, evacuation plans, or general preparations for nuclear attack
Here are three easy ways to find and contact your Senators:
- By Email
Go to https://www.senate.gov/general/contacting.htm, locate your state’s senators with the
provided links, and email them. - By Telephone
Call the United States Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. - By Postal Mail
You can direct postal correspondence to your senator or to other U.S. Senate offices at the
following address:
For Correspondence by mail to U.S. Senators:
Office of Senator (Name)
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
For Correspondence by mail to Senate Committees:
(Name of Committee)
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Message Board
Due to rising costs in paper and mailing, the Journal of Civil Defense subscription fees have been changed from $12/year to $15/year effective immediately.
The new fee applies to new subscriptions and upcoming subscription renewals.
We no longer sale 2 or 3 year plans.
We appreciate your support!
You may never need it but when you do, it is much harder to get. This product lasts 10 years and is essential for your go bag!
KIO3 Potassium Iodate
For radiation that is not immediately lethal- Potassium Iodate Anti-Radiation Pills (KIO3) will shield (block) the thyroid and prevent it from absorbing radioactive iodine during a nuclear emergency. Each tablet contains 170mg potassium iodate. 60 tablets. Expiration date: Best by 01/2031
Chief Architect Of US National Security Strategy Launches Company To Protect Critical Infrastructure
"WASHINGTON, June 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- SEMPRE, a digital infrastructure company led by Brigadier General (ret) Robert Spalding and a team of national security and telecom pioneers, today emerged from stealth mode. SEMPRE (Secure EMP-Resistant Edge) provides military-grade 5G and high-performance edge computing infrastructure for telecom operators, first responders, government and enterprise customers."
Click here to
Prepare for Nuclear Strike
Senator Mitt Romney is quoted in Newsweek stating that we should prepare for a nuclear strike.
Purchase TACDA Academy, subscribe to the Journal of Civil Defense, join our monthly live civil defense webinars.
Read the Newsweek article from Senator Mitt Romney here
Hurricane Agnes 50 year Anniversary 1972
"Learn from the Past and Prepare for the Future"
"Hurricane Agnes was a tragedy of unmatched proportions for the East Coast of the US that caused $3.1 billion in damage and 128 deaths."
Have you heard about Agnes? Most of us have never heard about this horrific storm that hit the northeast states in 1972. Tragically, many lost their lives and many more lost homes and properties. What can we learn about this event to help us prepare for future calamities?
Join in person events in Pennsylvania commemorating this tragic event. See link below!
Learn more about Agnes and 50th anniversary events here-
Donations Needed!
It's the small donations that we count on and need to continue our mission.
The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA) empowers Americans through educational means, to protect their homes and families against natural and man-made emergencies and disasters. With mounting civil unrest and record-breaking natural disasters upon us, there is no better time to prepare!
We believe that being prepared for emergencies and disasters creates safer neighborhoods, promotes peace, and reduces fear. Your donation will help TACDA continue its mission and keep memberships FREE so that every American regardless of income can utilize the resources TACDA offers.
TACDA reminds you to STOP! Study - Think - Observe - Prepare
Visit our Resources page for important links and downloads to help you get prepared and stay prepared.
We wish you and your family health, peace, and safety!