Journal of Civil Defense 2009 Vol. 42 No. 1 Food Preservation
In this issue of the Journal of Civil Defense, we discuss food preservation techniques, food dating, and many other valuable tips on survival based on food.
Journal of Civil Defense 2009 Vol. 42 No. 1 Food Preservation
In this issue of the Journal of Civil Defense, we discuss food preservation techniques, food dating, and many other valuable tips on survival based on food. Many of you have planted gardens this spring, wondering how your food stocks would be preserved if you suddenly lost power. Lightening and ice storms, high winds, tornados, and hurricanes all pose threats of a short-term power loss. Short-term power outages are easily managed. Eat from the refrigerator first, the freezer second, and the pantry last. Anything longer than a week, however, becomes a challenge. Inspired by a request from a reader, we have included several
fine articles on food preservation. We hope you will find them to be helpful.
2 President’s Message
Annual Meeting Agenda
From the Editor
3 Letters to the Editor
4 Food Dating
Codes, dates and what they mean.
5 Cruising Without the Fridge
By Beth A. Leonard
Fridge-free tips and tricks that work even in the tropics.
13 The Traveler
By John S. Farnam
Meth labs in motels.
14 The Pressure Cooker: An Overlooked Preparedness Tool
By N.J., Jim Rawles (JWR)
17 My Daughter’s Death Will Not Be In Vain!
Darrell Scott’s testimony given before the House Judiciary
subcommittee on crime.
18 Living a Sheltered Life
By Paul Seyfried and Sharon Packer
Shelter design.
20 North Korean Threat
Is it real?
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