
MT-480 START METTAG Triage Tag


METTAG’s S.T.A.R.T. mass casualty Triage Tag follows the recommended triage approach S.T.A.R.T. developed by Newport Beach Fire and Marine Department in 1983. S.T.A.R.T. stands for “Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment.”


MT-480 METTAG S.T.A.R.T. Triage Tag (*SOLD AS-IS see important message at the bottom of page)

METTAG’s S.T.A.R.T. Triage Tag follows the recommended triage approach S.T.A.R.T. developed by Newport Beach Fire and Marine Department in 1983. S.T.A.R.T. stands for “Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment.” Simple triage and rapid treatment (START) is a triage method used by first responders to quickly classify victims during a mass casualty incident (MCI) based on the severity of their injury. This tag is printed on the same indestructible paper as our MT-137 and MT-501 (water, chemical, tear, fire resistant) and has patient transport tear offs on each side. This triage tag does not have pre-printed barcodes. The barcode field is left blank for you to print/write a custom identifying barcode or other identifier.

MT-START Features:

  • Printed on indestructible fire, water, tear, chemical proof paper
  • Patient transport/identifier tear-offs on each side
  • Pre-Strung with 30″ stretch nylon string
  • Four color tear-off triaging system
  • UV light and heat/fire resistant
  • Simple and effective tag for fast triaging in the field
  • Empty field for custom barcodes for use of tracking and identifying victims and their belongings
  • Proudly made in the USA

History of the START Tag courtesy of the National Library of Medicine:

  • START was developed by the Newport Beach Fire and Marine Department and Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, California in 1983. 2 
  • Initially it used the ability to obey commands, respiratory rate, and capillary refill to assign triage category.
  • Modifications to START in 1996 by Benson et. al. substituted radial pulse for capillary refill, with a report of improved accuracy, especially in cold temperature. 1
  • The Benson revision (START – SAVE [Secondary Assessment of Victim Endpoint]), also incorporates additional factors that determine “survivability” over time as the event progresses and assumes limited response resources. 1
  • There has been limited rigorous scientific review of various forms of mass casualty incident triage used around the world. 1,4-6
  • New methods of triage using new algorithms have been proposed, but not tested in the field 5,6
  • At present START remains the most commonly used mass casualty triage algorithm in the US.

For printable S.T.A.R.T. instructions click here.

  • Proudly made in the USA
  • Please call 800-425-5397 for a sample

For more information see

*This product has two typo errors and is being sold on sale at our cost. Radial Pulse is shown as Radical Pulse and Head Tilt is shown as Head Tilit. This is not the error of METTAG, the printing company as admitted to the error and new tags will be printed once these are sold.

Additional information

Weight13.2 oz
Dimensions9 × 6 × 1 in

Single, Pack of 10, Pack of 25, Pack of 50, Case of 20 packs


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