Highly Digitized Lifestyles Adds to Flood Woes in China

People uses a rubber dinghy to cross a flooded street following flooding that claimed the lives of at least 33 people earlier in the week, in the city of Zhengzhou in China’s Henan province on July 23, 2021. (Noel Celis/AFP via Getty Images)CHINESE REGIME
BY SOPHIA LAM July 27, 2021 Updated: July 27, 2021
Residents of flood-ravaged Henan Province in China have had their digital-orientated lifestyles disrupted by widespread power outages. Due to a prevalence of online payment apps, outages in the city of Zhengzhou have interfered with many citizens’ daily activities, such as ordering food and access to other necessities.
Many aspects of daily life for Chinese people is integrated with their smartphones. Consumers of all ages and walks of life primarily pay for products and services with their phones through the use of domestically developed apps tied to their bank accounts.
With smartphone internet connections shut down, citizens in Zhengzhou have been badly hampered in managing their financial activities.
To read the full report click here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/chinas-big-data-failing-to-help-flood-victims_3919910.html?utm_source=share-btn-copylink
Something that people overlook in their disaster preparations is the type of cash they have on hand. It is best to keep small bills that can be used to buy fresh food and needed supplies. Large bills will likely not be able to be split. Cash machines will not be available if the electric grid is down.
See TACDA Resources for TACDA Academy and other great links for help in your emergency preparations.