Journal of Civil Defense 2007, Volume 40, Issue 2, “Get Shelter”


Learn as much as you can about the relevant threats that could affect you and your family. Study, think, observe, and prepare.

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TACDA Reminds you to S.T.O.P. – Study, Think, Observe, Prepare

Learn as much as you can about the relevant threats that could affect you and your family. Take inventory of your current resources and try to come up with new and innovative ideas suited to your preparedness needs. Be alert to your surroundings and learn to recognize possible warning signs of impending danger. Then, take all that you have learned and turn it into action. Implement your disaster plans. Secure the necessary supplies and share what you have learned and done with others.

In This Issue:

2 Presidential Address

3 Executive Directors Take

5 Letter From the Editor

6 Tactical Personal Preparedness

8 Spotlight

10 Living a Sheltered Life

12 Focus on Public Safety

13 Threat Analysis Resource

16 Radio Active


20 The News Stand

22 TACDA Store and More


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