Journal of Civil Defense 2015, Volume 48, Issue 1, “How Prepared Are You”




3 Medical Prepping Made Easy. Doc Cindy makes medical prepping a cinch with step-by-step instructions.
By Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

6 EMP Protection for Electrical Energy Systems.Learn how to protect your electrical equipment from the effects of an EMP.
By Sharon Packer

8 Bronius Cikotas—Exit the Unknown Heroes. A tribute to Bronius Cikotas, who has done more than generals and Presidents to keep America safe.
By Dr. Peter Vincent Pry

9 Terracotta Pot Heater/Cooker: An Inexpensive Solution for Heating and Cooking When the Power Goes Out.
By Kylene and Jonathan Jones

12 Minor Wound Management—An Herbal Approach. Natural wound management techniques that facilitate healing and prevent infection.
By Kyle Christensen, DC, ND, MH

17 Protecting Your Vital Food Storage. Tips on effective methods for packaging foods for long-term storage.
By Kylene and Jonathan Jones

20 Clarifying the Bug-Out Bag Concept. One bug-out bag won’t cover all your needs, you really need three unique types of bags.
By John Alba

26 FEMA—Friend or Foe? Can FEMA’s recommendation of three days of water and two weeks of food provide the protection you need?
By Jonathan B. Jones

27 ISIS Use of Social Media as a Force Multiplier. Social media can be a force multiplier using an isolated incident to panic millions of Americans.
By Bruce Curley

30 Apprio Taps Michael Pena as New Executive Vice President of Homeland Security
Press Release–Washington D.C., Jan. 20, 2015

31 The PET Bottle Safety Debate. PET plastic is accused of leaching dangerous chemicals into stored water. Guilty or not guilty?
By Kylene and Jonathan Jones

Additional information

Weight7 oz
Dimensions11 × 8.5 × 0.19 in


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