Journal of Civil Defense 2021, Vol. 55, Issue 1, Domestic Terrorism


In this issue “Domestic Terrorism”, civil defense experts explain in detail the threats facing our nation that stem from domestic terrorism and what you can do to stay safe and even help mitigate these threats. Read below for more information.




In this issue “Domestic Terrorism”, civil defense experts explain in detail the threats facing our nation that stem from domestic terrorism and what you can do to stay safe and even help mitigate these threats. You may be surprised about the level of activity and what is fueling these extremists groups and individuals to act out in violent and desperate ways. Other articles in this issue include information on many types of sheltering such as nuclear blast shelters, tornado shelters, safe rooms and more! Learn why KIO3- “The Nuke Pill” is important to have in your go bag, and how social media can help you and your loved ones in a disaster.


In This Issue:

Pg 3 Body Armor, Do You Need It?

By Colonel Jim Smith, MSS, NRP, FABCHS, CPC, CLEE


Pg 5 Why Build Corrugated Steel Pipe Shelters?

By Paul Seyfried, TACDA Advisor


Pg 9 Q & A Shelter Interior Shelter Entrances

By Sharon Packer, MS Nuclear Engineering, TACDA Board



Pg 12 The Radon Threat and Mitigation

By Jay Whimpey PE, TACDA President


Pg 14 Q & A Radon Mitigation in NBC Shelters

By Sharon Packer, MS Nuclear Engineering, TACDA Board



Pg 15 The Terrorist Threat to the Homeland

U.S. Department of Homeland Security


Pg 19 Domestic Terrorism

By Colonel Jim Smith, MSS, NRP, FABCHS, CPC, CLEE


Pg 21 10 Reasons to Build a Safe Room

By Karen Bradford, Editor,


Pg 24 Social Media for When Disaster Strikes

By Bruce Curley, Emergency Response Expert, TACDA



Pg 27 The “Anti-Nuke” Pill KIO3, and KI

By Chuck Fenwick, Medical Corps


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Right in Your Own Neighborhood

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Weight7 oz
Dimensions11 × 9 × 1 in


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