Journal of Civil Defense 2024, Vol. 59, I-1, Expedient Sheltering


You don’t have to have a basement or live in a traditional brick home to survive low levels of nuclear fallout. Nuclear war is survivable!


Journal of Civil Defense 2024, Vol. 59, I-1, Expedient Sheltering

Take comfort in the fact that nuclear fallout is survivable!

You don’t have to have a basement or live in a traditional brick home to survive low levels of nuclear fallout. By utilizing books, food storage, water, heavy furniture, mattresses, and other readily available supplies in your home, you can shield yourself from much of the radiation exposure. Equally, if not more important, is to have adequate ventilation, food, and water supplies. In a nuclear event, more people will die from lack of food, water, and medicine than will die from the effects of nuclear weapons.

You can take proactive steps in your preparations and make plans for an expedient shelter by studying this journal, deciding where the safest place in your home is to shelter, and gathering your supplies.

Expedient Sheltering Away From Home:

Caves, culverts, tunnels, mines, sewers, pier ends, grease pits, stadiums, bridge abutments, boiler rooms, and old military tanks in most cases are expedient shelters for the asking. Lumber yards, factories, subways, bunkers, stone quarries, freight yards, kilns, crypts, and prisons also contain excellent expedient shelter possibilities. A warehouse, a boat, a bank, a foxhole, vault, underpass, supermarkets, and appliance stores are all possible expedient shelters!

In This Issue:

4) Be Prepared for a Nuclear Explosion
By FEMA P-2149/March 2018

6) A Strategy of Resilience
By Rick White, Ph.D., Arthur Simental, M.S., and John Holst, M.S.

9) Critical Objectives to Expedient Sheltering
By TACDA Staff

11) Expedient Sheltering Away from Home
By TACDA Staff

13) Shelter for the Unsheltered
By Survive Staff, published in 1970

17) How to Prepare a 72-Hour Kit
By TACDA Staff

19) Emergency Communications – Part 6
By Dr. Randall Smith

22) Building a Home Fallout Shelter
By Paul Seyfried and Sharon Packer

28) Expedient Sheltering in Homes without Basements
By Sharon Packer, MS Nuclear Engineering

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Journal of Civil Defense 2022, Vol. 57, I-2, Nuclear Weapons Effects

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