Pocket Dosimeter, W500, 0-500mR


0-500mR Pocket Dosimeters are rugged precision instruments designed to measure accumulated dose of gamma and x-ray radiation exposure in milliroentgens.


Direct-Reading Pocket Dosimeter with Sapphire Window – Model W500, 0-500mR by Arrow Tech

Reads in milliroentgens (mR).

The Direct-Reading Dosimeters are rugged, precision instruments. They are designed to measure and directly read, at any time accumulated dose of gamma and x-ray radiation exposure. The Direct-Reading Dosimeter is designed to satisfy military specifications for the IM-Series RADIAC METER and ANSI N13.5 and N322 requirements. The sturdy metal clip attaches the dosimeter to a pocket or any object to monitor total radiation exposure. They are hermetically-sealed and immersion proof.

Product Details:

  • The Direct-Reading Dosimeter is pocket-size
  • Carbon-fiber electroscope
  • Ion chamber for detecting and indication of integrated exposure to Gamma and X-Ray radiation
  • It has a thin wall which permits the penetration and detection of radiation.

Dosimeters are extremely sensitive instruments. Although they are constructed for rugged use, they should receive the same care as a wristwatch. Since dosimeters are hermetically sealed at the factory, they cannot be repaired or adjusted in the field. Therefore, if instrument malfunctioning is experienced, the instrument should be returned to the factory or your dealer.


Dosimeters may be maintained in operating condition simply by cleaning the eyepiece lens and the charging switch insulator with clean water and a cloth that is free of lint and grit. Make sure the charging switch insulator is absolutely free of lint and moisture at all times.

Caution: Do not insert any sharp objects into, or tamper with parts in the charging switch recess. Irreparable damage may be done.


Arrow-Tech, Inc. recommends a yearly calibration of the Direct-Reading Dosimeter which is generally consistent with good health physics practices. More frequent calibration may be necessary should the user’s license require a shorter calibration interval. Arrow-Tech will calibrate for a small fee or the charger noted below can be purchased for calibration of dosimeters. https://www.dosimeter.com/calibration


For use with 909B Dosimeter Charger



Radiation Detected:  Gamma and X-Ray from 16 keV to 6 MeV

Range: 0-500 mR

Detector: Fiber-Electrometer mounted in an Electrically Conductive Plastic Ion Chamber

Detector Housing: Very low permeability plastics – Hermetically-Sealed

Accuracy: +/– 10% of true exposure

Rate Response: Dose rate independent for Gamma and X-Ray

Electrical Leakage: Less than 1.0% of full scale for 24 hours at 50 C

Temperature Range: -20 degrees C to +50 degrees C

Relative Humidity:  Up to 90%

Dimensions:  4.5” (12.4 cm) Length X .6“ (1.5 cm) Diameter

Weight:  1.0 oz. (25 grams)

Finish:  Natural Matte Gray with a Metal Clip

Warranty:  Two Year Limited Warranty

Shelf Life:  20 Years

Specifications: ANSI N13.5 and ANSI N322-1997


Related Content:

Radiation Issues



Additional information

Weight6 oz


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