Pri-G and Pri-D Industrial Grade Gasoline & Diesel Treatment


Keep your generator or other motors in top working condition so they’re ready when you need them! Or treat them and bring them back to life! Pri-G and Pri-D concentrated fuel treatment stabilizes and improves fuel performance. Fuel stays fresh and ready to use, degraded fuels are restored to freshness.


PRI-G (GASOLINE) – [Pri-D listed below]


For E-10 and All Gasoline Grades *(sorry, this product does not qualify for free shipping)

PRI-G is a super concentrated, complete fuel treatment that improves any type of gasoline, including the latest E-10 blends, enabling them to perform to maximum potential. PRI-G’s industrial strength, enhanced thermal stability chemistry reacts with fuel upon contact, and provides multiple benefits:

• Fuel stays fresh and ready to use
• Degraded fuel is restored to freshness
• Phase separation inhibited for Ethanol / E-10
• Engines perform better and last longer
• Engine power increased and fuel economy realized
• Fuel system and engine deposits prevented
• Hesitation, knocking, and pinging reduced

Improved Engine Performance – PRI-G works chemically within gasoline to improve the combustion process. Improved combustion means improved engine performance. You will realize  increased power from your engine. At the same time, you will enjoy greater fuel economy. PRI-G reduces the hesitation, knocking, and pinging that is common in gasoline engines. It is also extremely effective at cutting harmful emissions. Smog tests are no longer a challenge.

Reduced Maintenance Costs – PRI-G’s proprietary, refinery-grade chemistry is unsurpassed at preventing carbon deposits and fuel system fouling. Your engine will remain cleaner and last longer, which means maintenance costs are significantly reduced. Keep your car, boat, or RV in great shape for years to come!

Keeps Fuel Fresh and Ready To Use – It’s a fact: fuel ages quickly! No matter how soon you use the gasoline you buy, it will have aged in your fuel tank by the time you use it; for that reason, you can’t afford to be without PRI-G. PRI-G keeps gasoline fresh. In fact, by treating the fuel annually with PRI-G, you can keep it fresh in storage for years! You’ll be assured a fast start for your engine next season, or whenever you use it next. Those operating a generator on a periodic basis are especially benefited by PRI-G use – when it comes time to run that generator, it’s fuel will be fresh and ready to go! If your fuel has already aged, PRI-G can still help. Tests have shown where PRI-G can restore aged fuel to refinery-fresh conditions.

Super Concentrated – PRI-G is super concentrated, with a dose rate of 1:2,000. This means PRI-G is extremely cost effective to use. Get the most out of your gasoline for only pennies a gallon!
PRI-G has a three-year shelf life once opened.

Safe To Use – PRI-G’s enhanced thermal stability chemistry works within the fuel instead of altering it, which means the product is completely safe to use. Fuel specifications aren’t changed, so engine warranties are not voided! PRI-G is safe and effective in both four stroke and two stroke engines. Use PRI-G today to get the most out of your gasoline and your engine.


• Keeps fuels refinery fresh for years
• Restores degraded fuels to freshness
• Stabilizes E-10 for up to 12 months at a time
• Helps inhibit phase separation
• Cleans fuel system and components
• Improves fuel economy 8-to-15%
• Improves power output
• Boosts engine performance
• Prevents carbon build-up in all engines
• Extends engine overhaul intervals
• Reduces emissions (HC, NOx)
• Contains No Alcohol


How PRI-G Stabilizes Fuel: The minute gasoline exits the pipeline from the refinery, it begins to age and deteriorate. Depending on a variety of factors, the extent to which gasoline degrades is highly variable.

A key factor affecting gasoline stability is heat. When gas tanks are continually exposed to warmer temperatures, gasoline degradation accelerates.

Fact is, gasoline can go bad in as little as a few weeks in hot summer months. The results can be devastating for engines and fuel systems, resulting in:

• Start-up Failures
• Fuel system and filter fouling and damage
• Gum and varnish accumulation in tanks
• Excessive carbon deposits on engine components
• Engine damage

PRI’s research staff has developed a series of very powerful stability chemistries that are incorporated into PRI-G to prevent fuel degradation for all gasoline blends, including E-10 blends with ethanol.

Additionally, PRI-G is formulated to reverse the effects of severe degradation, restoring degraded gasoline to a useable condition.

These capabilities have been proven, time and time again, in standard ASTM 525 laboratory testing for oxidation stability. In these tests, the gasoline is heated to 212° F. in a pressurized chamber with an atmosphere of pure oxygen.

When the pressure drops, this means that the gasoline has absorbed oxygen and oxidized. The time it takes to oxidize the gasoline is recorded. Each minute that goes by without the pressure drop represents one day of fuel life. Hence, with the minimum industry standard of 240 minutes – gasoline can be expected to remain stable for 240 days under normal storage conditions.

Yet PRI-G treated gasoline extends the test time to more than 12 hours – extending freshness to two years and more!



PRI-D is a super concentrated, complete fuel treatment that improves all diesel fuels, including ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD), providing maximum fuel performance. PRI-D’s industrial strength, enhanced thermal stability chemistry reacts with fuel upon contact, providing multiple benefits:


• Keeps fuel refinery fresh for years
• Restores degraded fuels to refinery freshness
• Inhibits algae growth
• Provides Lubricity package for ULSD
• Protects O-rings and seals
• Guards against fuel pump wear
• Maintains carbon free fuel injectors
• Reduces smoke and soot 20-to-60%
• Removes slime and sludge from fuel system
• Provides fuel economies of 6-to-15%
• Improves power output and engine performance
• Prevents carbon build-up in all engines
• Extends engine overhaul intervals
• Reduces NOx, SO2 and particulate emissions

Maximum Lubricity Protection – The refinery-grade lubricity additive package of PRI-D is the most effective and safest available today based on extensive oil industry research, field performance experience, and HFRR lubricity testing. Fuel pump wear is reduced as much as 45 percent with ULSD fuels. Costly and unsafe catastrophic pump failures are avoided.

Improved Engine Performance – This fuel treatment works chemically within diesel fuel to improve the combustion process. Improved combustion means improved engine performance. Realize increased power from your engine and greater fuel economy. PRI-D is also extremely effective at reducing harmful emissions and visible smoke. PRI-D performance has been verified in the EPA heavy duty diesel test protocol.

Reduced Maintenance Costs – A highly effective preventative maintenance tool. The proprietary, refinery-grade chemistry of PRI-D is unsurpassed at preventing carbon deposits and fuel system fouling. Your engine will remain cleaner and last longer. In addition, the tank slime and sludge that diesel fuel users commonly encounter is eliminated!

Keeps Fuels At Peak Stability – It not only prevents fuel degradation in long-term storage, degraded fuels are restored to refinery freshness. PRI-D is especially effective in providing the enhanced thermal stability that modern hydrotreated distillate fuels lack. PRI-D capability is repeatedly confirmed in independently conducted ASTM D2274 testing.

Super Concentrated – With a dosage rate of 1:2,000. This means PRI-D is extremely cost effective to use. Get the most out of your diesel fuel for only
pennies a gallon. PRI-D has a shelf life of three years once opened.

Safe To Use – Contains no potentially damaging cetane improvement additives or harsh solvent chemistries. No fuel specifications are changed, therefore PRI-D meets all major engine manufacturer fuel specifications and warranties are not voided Use PRI-D today to get the most out of your diesel fuel and your engine.


How PRI-D Stabilizes Fuel: The minute diesel fuel exits the pipeline from the refinery, it begins to age and deteriorate. Depending on a variety of factors, the extent to which a diesel degrades is highly variable.

In recent years more and more refineries are adding nitrate-based cetane improvement additives, now proven to accelerate degradation. Many diesel fuel streams are also blended with small amounts of light cycle oil (LCO), which also contributes to degradation. The result? Degraded fuel with poor ignition quality and a tendency to foul fuel systems and engines with damaging carbon deposits.

PRI’s research staff has developed a series of very powerful stability chemistries that are incorporated into PRI-D to prevent fuel degradation for all diesel fuels.

Additionally, PRI-D is formulated to reverse the effects of severe degradation.

These capabilities have been proven, time and time again, in standard ASTM laboratory testing for accelerated stability. In these tests, fuel is heated and oxygenated for 16 hours, then filtered. Residue produced by instability is filtered and weighed in terms of milligrams per 100 millileters. Below are results of some of the many hundreds of tests conducted on PRI-D over the years.


FUEL                                  BASELINE                         PRI-D TREATED         % IMPROVEMENT
Exxon – Miami FL           21.80                                           3.50                               84
California “Red”               8.00                                             1.00                               87
New Mexico #2                4.00                                              1.00                               75
EPA Diesel                        3.49                                             0.17                                 95
CARB Diesel                      0.43                                            0.20                                53
CARB Diesel                         .90                                            0.40                               55
CARB ULSD Diesel           0.30                                           0.20                               33


For more information download the document below:

Survivalist Magazine article on PRI benefits

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