Journal of Civil Defense 2015, Vol. 49, Issue 2, Grid Down


Are you prepared for a long term grid down event? In this issue of the Journal of Civil Defense you will learn emergency medical techniques, how to cultivate a survival garden, how to design your own home power grid, and more!


Journal of Civil Defense 2015, Vol. 49, Issue 2, Grid Down

Are you prepared for a long term grid down event?

Is there really anything in our world today that does not involve electricity? Actually, yes there is, but they are very few. Lighting; transportation; food production, preservation, and preparation; the acquisition, treatment and delivery of clean water; transporting and treating sewage and other waste streams; almost everything medical, our computer, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition), and internet systems; entertainment, media, and communication systems; manufacturing, industrial processes and production…and the list goes on and on.

All of these rely heavily on electrical energy. Even our natural gas systems require electricity to refine and compress this gas for delivery. I’m not sure I really need to ask this question, but I will! Do ya think a long-term grid-down situation will be a problem?

In this issue of the Journal of Civil Defense you will learn emergency medical techniques, how to make alternative sources of light, how to make your own bread, how to cultivate a survival garden, how to design your own home power grid, and more!

In This Issue:

3 The Schoharie Valley Townsite Project
By Mark J. Appleton
Cornell College of Architecture does study to design a city that could survive a nuclear attack

7 How to Suture a Wound & Get Professional Results
by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD
Step-by-step instructions for suturing wounds when no medical help is available

11 Paraffin – A Powerful Emergency Fuel Source
By Kristofer Johnson
Wax packs all the power of other fossil fuels in a much more stable package

14 Temperature & Moisture Management in Underground Shelters
By Jay Whimpey, P.E.
The answer for controlling moisture build-up in your shelter

16 Living a Sheltered Life
By Sharon Packer and Paul Seyfried
Question and Answer

17 My Survival Garden
By Kylene Jones
Discover which foods to produce at home in order to survive

22 Bread That Isn’t Smarter than a 5th Grader
By Chef Stephanie Petersen
Delicious bread so simple that even a child can make it

25 Grid-Down … Big Problem!
By Jonathan B. Jones
In a long-term grid-down situation, we need to begin with education

26 Your Greatest Preparedness Asset
By Kyle D. Christensen, DC, ND, MH
Learn what it takes to create a healthy body

30 CBRNe: Low Probability, High Impact
By Bruce Curley
Report on Non-Conventional Threat, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Conference

36 Microgrids
By Paul Seyfried
Design your own home power grid

Additional information

Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 11 × 9 × 1 in


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