3 Hand Infections-How to Prevent Loss of Life or Limb
By Cynthia J. Koelker, MD
Hand infections can lead to an untimely death. Learn how to effectively treat a hand injury when medical help is not available.
7 Create Your Own Legacy of Seeds
By Jeremy Starke
The art of seed saving is a way to both preserve the past and ensure our future survival.
9 Building a Home Fallout Shelter
By Sharon Packer
A home fallout shelter may be your ticket to surviving a nuclear event.
14 Electromagnetic Pulse Hazards
By Colonel Jim Smith, MSS, NRP, FABCHS, CPC, CLEE
The risks that electromagnetic pulse hazards present and how to best mitigate them..
16 Take the Bite out Frostbite
By Jay Wimpey, PE
How to prevent and treat frostbite when medical help is inaccessible.
17 Hypothermia: How to Prevent this Deadly Killer
By Jay Whimpey, PE
The basics to recognizing, preventing, and treating hypothermia.
19 Shelter Filtration Q & A
By Paul Seyfried and Sharon Packer
Sharon and Paul respond to a question from a reader on air filtration options for a fallout shelter.
20 What if Yellowstone Erupts?
By Martin Poirier
Tips on where to go and how to survive if Yellowstone erupts.
23 Useful Emergency Communication Tools
By Bruce Curley
Family emergency communication guidelines to prepare your family before disaster strikes..
26 Alternative Water for the Long Haul
By Paul Seyfried
Review of a high efficiency water treatment system for a long-term solution for clean water.
29 TACDA Refreshed
By Roseanne Hassett
Manager, The American Civil Defense Association
The American Civil Defense Association has made some exciting changes to better serve our members.
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