Journal of Civil Defense 2016, Volume 49, Issue 2, “Safeguarding Your Home and Family”




3 Finding or Making an Expedient Fallout Shelter
By Kenneth B. Moravec
Creating expedient sheltering with adequate levels of protection from radiation.

6 Simple, Effective EMP Protection for Electrical Devises
Jay Whimpey, PE
Useful information to construct simple and effective EMP protection for electrical and electronic equipment.

7 Unconventional Weapons and Tactics: Threats to Everyone
By Colonel Jim Smith
Recent advances which have led to a target rich setting of homegrown violent extremists.

12 Easy Medical Prepping in the Comfort of Your Home
By Cynthia J. Koelker, MD
Advice from a fellow prepper and family physician with decades of practical experience with common medical problems.

20 Fermenting Ripples
By Jim Sumsion
The ins and outs of fermenting at home.

22 Jim’s Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe
By Jim Sumsion
Easy step-by-step instructions for successful sauerkraut batches.

25 Developing Your Own Herbal Remedies
By Kyle D. Christensen, DC, ND, MH
Helpful information for making your own herbal formulas, including recipes.

30 Launch Your Survival Skills by Building a Rocket Stove
By Daniel Weatbrook, Sr.
The rocket stove cooks with high efficiency, little fuel and is easy to use in situations where fossil fuel and electricity are not available.

32 How to Write a Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Plan
By Bruce Curley
Prepare for, respond to, and successfully overcome a disaster in your workplace.

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